The Tweetbag Wars!

Posted by Lady Mel On Thursday, February 18, 2010 2 comments

*Sipping on pina colada from a martini glass*

Hey, everyone. Great news! My guest blog masterpiece is completed and you all can find it on Andhari blog now!! Read it, comment on it and follow her! She is amazing. I could not have done this without her. :) Here is how I developed the story. All this weekend, I wanted to write something crazy and unique. I knew that I wanted to write about Twitter, but I did not know how. So, as I was trying to sleep this past Monday morning with a bad tooth (I got my wisdom tooth pulled finally), flashes of epicness erupted in my mind. As much as I love Twitter, new media and celebrity gossip, I had to incorporate all those elements together to create this guest blog. It took me about 30 minutes or so to create the story in my head and about a hour to type it on the computer, word from word.

Now, I do not want to give out the plot of the story, but imagine Perez Hilton arguing with me on Twitter one random day. I hope you get the picture. This is probably my most creative endeavor yet. I want to thank all the people who have commented on my post on her blog and Andhari for responding to my post, and then allowing me to write whatever the hell I wanted to write about without censorship!

So please check out her blog and my post and tell me what you think! :) I am going to tweet the link to Perez Hilton himself. I hope he reads it! :) Salut! *Goes back to sipping on her pina colada and enjoying her blogging break*


Mango said...

Your story is so badass!!! I read it on insomniac lolita's blog.


Lady Mel said...

ty :)!