Photo of the Week

Posted by Lady Mel On Friday, January 15, 2010 0 comments

Lives, Lives, Lives Broken.
Shattered Yet Faith
Always Come Through.
Politicians, this is what life is.
The level of political heat
 should not condemn these souls. 
It is partly our fault.

Call your Red Cross chapter to help contribute to this cause. I donated $10.00 of my own money to the Save the Children Foundation to help with the relief effort in Haiti right now. I know it may not be much, but any donation is extremely valuable to saving the thousands of lives still trapped under debris and the newly homeless. I hope after the slow response with Hurricane Katrina in August 2005, we as Americans have learned our lesson. Twitter is making a huge difference in connecting people with news updates, family and friends still staying in Port-au-Prince, and charitable organizations and celebrities spreading awareness to the public. Lets see what happens in the long run.