October Blogging Schedule: Sheer Epicness!

Posted by Lady Mel On Monday, October 4, 2010 0 comments

For this month, I've decided to tailor my blogging schedule a bit differently:

October 4th-October 9th- 1-2 blog posts
October 10th-October 16th- 1-2 blog posts
October 17th-October 23rd- 1-2 blog posts
October 24th-October 31st- 5 blog posts, all tailored to Halloween week!

Due to volunteer work, you will see fewer blog posts from me. I did not want to create blog posts without substance and without my signature blogging style, so the ones that I will produce will not be garbage. If you are a new reader, last October, I dedicated the last week of October to Halloween. I wrote this insane story about a Halloween "triple homicide" party and even my Halloween costume picks. I hope this year I can top it off with even more sheer madness. If you want to check out my cool story, look no further: 

Murder at the Million Dollar Halloween Party, Part I, Part II, Part III, and Part IV.

So don't worry about whether or not I will finally get my driver's license or finish reading my Seth Godin books. I won't anymore. Life is in the now. So expect some surprises and maybe a special guest or two this month. Muhahahahahaha!