Sunday Times

Posted by Lady Mel On Sunday, May 4, 2008 0 comments

Right now, I am on the Internet and I am suppose to be sleeping so that I can woke up bright and early and continue writing my papers. Never mind that... I want to start a weekly wrap-up of my opinions about randomness and topics that intrigue me. Let's give this a spin:

1. Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon married? I did not see that coming.. And she did not file a pre-nup before her wedding?!!?! I'll give them at least six months.

2. The worldwide release of GTA IV: I am a video game lover. I've played the old
Super Mario games as a kid. I love love love the violent content of the Grand Theft Auto games, but when I saw the sexual intercourse coverage on the other day, I did not know if I should be appalled or not. It is just sad that the many male hardcore gamers that have brought this particular games are not getting laid in the real world. I will shed tears for you guys out there in my sleep.

3. Miley Cryus: Your Vanity Fair pictures are phenomenal but I believe you are going to lead yourself into a Britney Spears-esque lifestyle in the next couple of years. Save yourself!

I think that is all I have to say... for now..