It is about 10:00pm at night. LadyMel tosses and turns in her sleep. It has been two weeks since the tragic incident in Miami and she has not slept peacefully. The media won't leave her anymore. She has no sense of privacy anymore. Every night she has the same frightening nightmare. She imagines herself on a foggy, Saturday night being chased down three zombie-like celebrity douche bags from a graveyard to the end of the of a mountain cliff. She wakes up right before she jumped to her awaited death at the sea below.
But tonight was quite different. There were no zombies, no cliff, no sense of eeriness people get when exploring inside a graveyard in the middle of the night. She keeps hearing little eerie noises in her head, demanding her to turn on the TV. Suddenly, Lady Mel jumps off with her eyes wide open, finds the remote, and turns the TV. What you are to read is possible the most unusual thing unimaginable. Three green aliens appear in what looks like President Obama's Oval Office. The old-looking one is sitting in the president's seat while the two taller ones are beside him, gazing mercilessly at LadyMel. Their hypnotic, black eyes pierced into LadyMel's being like the eyes of a newly fresh corpse. The eldest begins to speak, all is silent and sinister in the air.
Alien # 1: (In an alien voice). Good evening, earthlings. Some of you are wondering why there are three little green men on your television screen and no we did not hijacked the White House. This room is a image projection of your leader of the free world's historical office. Our technology is a thousand year more advanced than your pitiful piece of garbage, so you would not understand if I told you. (small cough). My name is Denias, the leader of the Truth, a 100,000 year old race of beings from a galaxy 10 billion light years from Earth. We are here to present you with some needed information. (Spreads his arms out). I would like my vice presidents, Jetiah and Anteghi here to further explain the ordeal.
Alien# 2: (In an deep alien voice). Greetings, earthlings. We are aware of the sudden deaths of your beloved celebrity douchebags some time ago and we are quite satisfied with the results. Like the humans you are, you always point fingers and try to gather evidence to seek the absolute truth. You all are now wondering who killed your precious douchebags.(laughs devilishly).Well, we did. (LadyMel gasps, Jetiah smiles devishly). We killed them because they were not worthy to live. While, you humans continue to place these beings on a center price for the world to digest, the Truth grew tired of this nonsense and decided to put matters into our own hands.
Alien#3: (In a very sinister voice): Yes, yes. You see the last straw was with this Balloon Boy Hoax. Our satellites detected the image of the flying balloon from outer space that fateful day. We have been keeping a close eye of your world for the past 1,000 years and we decided that this was the perfect time to show you pitiful humans that incompetent baboons should not exist. What we did was we sent three extra identical party invitations to the three victims. The three of us picked a victim and arranged each murder to our liking. Thanks to our technology, we virtually left any prints or DNA at the crime scene. We saw the confusion of your faces and decided we could not have all the fun. (In a sarcastic tone). Call us clever or nefarious, but we are the peacemakers here. Imagine a world without douchebags. (small pause). I bet you cannot. That is where we come in to cleanse your race of its barbarians and jackasses.
Lady Mel is in full shock and denial. Although, these aliens are the masterminds of the triple murders, there are still questions left to be asked. Only time will tell. What the future holds for Lady Mel and the world at large is uncertain, but she now understands that she and the aliens have something in common, despite common appearances: Douchebags must be punished.
It has been 10 minutes since the ending of the first installment of this story and Lady Mel, along with her celebrity guests, stand by the side of the road as several police vehicles, a black SUV, and several ambulances parked in front of the rented Miami mansion. Exiting the black, unmarked SUV were no other than Horatio Caine and his partner Cailleigh Duqueque, supervisors of Miami's most badass and highly-assembled forensic team in the known galaxy. Horatio Caine walks up to LadyMel with his cool demeanor and signature dark shades.
LadyMel: Of course. (Horatio leads LadyMel to one of the ambulances with the bodies of Richard Heenes and Jon Gosselin inside).
Horatio: (Takes shades off, looks directly at LadyMel). Miss, I would like your complete guest list and full access to the cameras inside this mansion. I will tell the public that every guest will be fully interrogated in several rounds of questioning including you and your security team. We will get to the bottom of this and I will assure you that your guests will not leave this country until a thorough investigation has been executed. Since, you are the prime suspect in this case, you will be one of the first person that I will interview. Do you understand?
LadyMel: (smirks). Yes, I do. But, I will have my lawyer flown here before you can say "I'm innocent".
Horatio: (stern voice). You better make sure of that.
Now, these are just preliminary examinations. Within the next month, we will reexamine the bodies and the murder scene and talk with witnesses and close associates of the suspects until we have substantial forensic evidence to convict someone or a group of people with three accounts of first-degree murder.
Horatio: LadyMel, when are you avaliable to talk with me and my team?
Lady Mel: I will be at your office by one o'clock.
Horatio: Alright then. Judging from these three men and their common douche bag reputations (puts his signature black shades on), I guess karma is a bitch. (Walks away from the left side, the Who's Won't Be Fooled Again (CSI: Miami theme song) plays in the background).
To Be Continued................
Hi, everyone. I am taking a mini break from writing today. I hope you guys enjoyed my intense Halloween drama. I am in the works of planning the last (several as 10/30/09) installment right now. It will be posted by tomorrow afternoon. Please comment on yesterday's blog post and tell what you think so far. For those who do not know, my alter ego is LadyMel and I channel her energy in my blog. I also have some nice, unpredictable things in store for the ending. Or is there an ending to this horror story? Muahahahaha.
In the meanwhile, watch this cool video below. I was snooping on last night and I came across it. These two guys are wearing fabulous IPhone costumes that they actually built. They look very creative and usable like real IPhones in the market. I wonder if I can press their buttons. ^.^ I am such a flirt.
Lady Mel has established herself as one of the most famous and legendary NY socialites around. She has lived in Paris, Tokyo, Prague, London, Rio de Janeiro, and other exquisite places, the non-wealthy can only dream of. She is also an emerging late night talk show host, a profession that was once a networked old boys club.
LadyMel: Prue, we must finish the final plans for the party! It is going to be fabulous. I am going to get publicity like no one's business. Anyway I want to check with you to see if everything is in order. Do you have the lights and decorations?
Prue: Check.
LadyMel: Will our DJ and our awesome performing guest come? Drinks, food?
Prue: Yes, DJ Clue and Lady Gaga are coming. Lady Gaga is going to perform some of her hit songs off her freshman album and some of our favorite Halloween songs. Her manager only wants a piano and the stage decorated. The liquor will be trucked in two days before the party so we have to make sure they are kept in cold temperatures. And Wolfgang Puck will be here tomorrow morning at 11:00am to go over our party's delicious menu.
LadyMel: Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant. This is why I can always count on you Prue. You are divine. Call Mr. Jones and tell him that the rented mansion has a lovely white piano and stage in the ballroom. (Smiling with glee). I am so excited. I know you haven't seen me this happy like ever.
I felt pressured to top this party from last year's and I will. This year, I have a well-connected security system. No one gets inside that mansion except my favorite 200 celebrity guests. We have cameras in every room of the facility. We will have at least ten bouncers by the door, identifying guests and kicking out the uninvited and even the invited guests who act all rowdy and disrespectful before they even hit the dance floor. Which brings me to my last proposition before I eat my dinner. Prue, could you read the names on the guest list please?
Prue: (In a clear voice). Of course. We have Mr. and Mrs. David Beckham, Lady Gaga, the Black Eye Peas, Peaches, Britney Spears, Beyonce, Jay-Z, Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, Gerard Butler, Paul Wesley, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, Oprah Winfrey, Kanye West.....
LadyMel: (In a loud voice). Kanye West?! K-A-N-Y-E W-E-S-T?! Prue, what did I say about whom to invite?
Prue: *sighs* They must be either A-list stars and winners in their own right. We do not invite douchebags.
LadyMel: (Proudly) Exactly. You are becoming a fast learner dear. Please make sure that our special performing guest does not get leaked to the public until after our little event ends. Now continue with the list....
Prue continues until everyone on the guest list had a "Lady Mel background check" before invitations went out. Four weeks later, the party of the millennium is in full bloom. After a hour of grand entrances, casual talk, and the consumption of $2000 bottles of white champagne, the guests surround the beautiful, yet retro stage as they wait for the mistress of ceremony to start the show.
In a nanosecond, the audience hears a set of drums coming from behind the curtains. The curtain opens and everyone starts screaming "Lady Mel". LadyMel comes out with a Marie Antoinette costume with a set of vampire fangs and fake blood all over her dress. Yet, she is the most sexiest person in the room. She is laying on a Egyptian style coach with two handsome Brazilian hulks on both ends feeding her grapes. She brings the microphone to her mouth.
Two hours into the party, LadyMel introduces LadyGaga on stage. The audience goes absolutely wild! It is until Lady Gaga begins to perform her third song of the night, "Paparazzi", when this night of fun and adventure comes to a halt. In the middle of the song, a very loud scream comes from the left side of the ballroom. It's coming from the pool area. Everyone rushes outside to the pool area and what you are about to read will make you vomit, I guarantee you. Two identified corpses are in close proximity of one another. In the middle of the pool, Jon Gosselin's lifeless body lies; just south of Jon's corpse on the ground near the balcony seems to be Kanye West's corpse covered in blood.
Lady Mel: (In a calm voice). Everyone, I want you all to go back into the ballroom and remain calm. Police will arrive within the next five minutes. I am terribly sorry that this has happened. (All of a sudden, the sparkler system goes off and everyone rushes out of the mansion, dritched in cold water. Paparazzi are outside flashing their lights and taking pictures of the terrified celebrity crowd. For what may come out of these murders will become the biggest scandal of all time. )
Hello everyone! As a child, I dressed up as a pirate, Cleopatra, a witch, and a pumpkin for Halloween. But as I've matured, I like being myself for Halloween because it takes very little effort on my part to show my awesomeness without spending $$$. I am a Halloween fashion trendsetter without absolutely doing nothing. I rock. ^.^ Halloween is a day in which people can shed their boring selves and embody the celebrity or magical/demonic creature of their choice. But, I would advise not to dress as certain people or images because I am trying to save you from public humiliation. After looking at each costume below, you will know what I mean. Here are some examples.
This blog is going to shock you, frighten you, amuse you until you are dying for more. Since, I am a natural tease, I will not tell what I have up my sleeves. But I will add is that each blog post this week will be Halloween themed. (In the scariest witch voice ever). This blog will come alive and tear your heart out! Sleep my children. Sleep innocuous dreams and by Halloween, you all will be mine for the plucking. I want you and your little dog too. Muhahahahaha!
Anyway, I want to leave you this Friday with something special and inspirational in these times of need and desperation. I found this video from the Huffington Post. The video surfaced around April on YouTube, but I haven't heard about it until yesterday morning. I shed a tear watching it. It totally changed my line of thinking.

I am not going to ruin the whole video for my readers, but I will say is that Mr. Snooper, despite how many players (I won't say names) within the Republican party have defined themselves, believes that all people are created equal.
Mr. Snooper, I salute you on your outstanding courage and understanding that when fighting for your nation on a global scale, we should care about the character of each solider in combat, not his or her sexual orientation, gender, race, religion, or creed. You are a treasure and a shining light for those who are hopeful and optimistic of a better America. In a previous post, I said that one of my pet peeves is hypocrisy and for discriminated soldiers to risk their lives for a nation where people judged them by their gender identities or cultural backgrounds is highly pathetic in my opinion. So my message to this country is cut the bullcrap and start loving one another. Listen to his story below.
I am a self-proclaimed music junkie. I will listen to almost any form of music that is recognizable to the modern wannabe hipster woman. I still carry the CD collection that I burned in high-school. I know I wasn't the only freshman dancing around her dorm room on a Friday night with her Ipod at her side, dancing like a maniac. Wait, I am a certified maniac. Figures. I make the seemingly weird unification of Bollywood, 90s, early 2000s Japanese pop music and Muse onto a MP3 player acceptable. For the past three years, I have used my YouTube account to create several dozen playlists containing hip-shaking, inspirational, groovy, hot tranny mess (I reinvented the word) songs from cheesy commercials, WOW pvp videos, movie soundtracks, and anime shows. And if I hear just a nanosecond of a song being played on television, I will Google search that song immensely until I find the lyrics, the artist's name, the year it was recorded, and the title of the song.
Everyone has his or her reasons to download music in this digital age. Some people need an escape route or outlet from the troubles and problems of twenty-first century life especially during this recession. I personally play music whenever I feel like I need that extra boost to my day or I can be bored out of my mind and I will look through my Youtube playlists to find that perfect melody or tune to match my current state of mind. With the release of the Google Music service and preexisting digital music centers such as Itunes, Limewire(^.^), YouTube, and Yahoo! Music, I have every right to download free music and internalize it into something grateful and magnificent for the time being. It is called the Internet you know.
So, I am going to give you guys a sample of my music encyclopedia. It is amazing how I can listen to a very diverse collection of artists and genres and not go delusional. Some of you have or have not heard these songs, but I advise you to wiki these artists and try to hear their other works. I am currently listening to:
I love the song. It's in Japanese. It has the mixture of that Japanese pop charm and funky jazz beats. It always keeps me cheerful and optimistic.
I am not a Simpsons fan. Even after 20 years running, I never will be. But, I am a big Family Guy fan. However, I am in love with Krump and black House music. I am from NJ of all places and I hear it all the time. And when I found this little gem one day scouting Youtube, I went absolutely nuts! This song was composed by J-Squad. The bass beat is so infectious, I made myself dance in front of my parents, but I do all the time when I dance. I am an attention whore ok!
I have been an anime fan since I was in high-school. Yoko Kanno is known in Japan as a great composer. She has written music for the ever popular Japanese anime shows: Cowboy Bebop, Vision of Escaflowne, and Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex. Wolf's Rain as a series is pretty good, but musically Yoko Kanno is a breath of fresh air. Yoko composed the song, Japanese singer Maaya Sakamoto sings the song in English.
To The American People:
I hate media hoards. I hate average people who are willing to do anything, I mean anything to become famous for 15 minutes. I've talked about the Kardashians. I've talked about the Gosselins. Now, I will talk about the Balloon Boy Hoax only for the remainder of this post. I hope the Hellen family is charged with a felony or two because you guys wasted thousands of our tax-payer money to look for a child that was not even lost. He was inside a box at his house for 5 hours before he was found. The Denver police could have used that money to find a real kidnapped child in need. They should be ashamed of themselves. How could the parents want their 15 minutes of fame when they already wasted it on being on the reality-TV show Wife Swap?
First, life is unpredictable. Secondly, I like reaching small, obtainable goals. Like exercising at least 3 times a week for 45 minutes or drinking water 8 times a day. Those are simple, realistic goals, but those are NOT the goals that I want to reach right now because I hate exercising and I am obsessed with soft drinks right now. I drink water from time to time, but I am not a big water fan.
1. The United States just elected its first black president. If you haven't noticed this even if you are not an American, remember that there wasn't a black president until 2008. There were 42 white presidents before him.
2. Wow, we just elected our first black president. Hooray! Racism is so over! We are free at last! If you follow this philosophy, where have you been these past 500 years?! Many political figures are spreading anti-Obama hate all across the country. This post-November election world is bombarded with people who do not think that Obama is an American citizen because his father was Kenyan and that he is spreading his socialist ideology to every facet of our society, including our children. Let just say the 2008 presidential elections brought the racists out of the closet.

5. There were NO women of color in this French Vogue issue.
6. Fashion has a long history of not accepting models who do not go by the industry's standard beauty qualifications.
7. Did I forget anything?
Although, French fashion is art, I think it is best to be fresh and creative in other ways. Unless, magazine publications want drama and controversy added to their resumes. Maybe, just maybe, the editors and photographers were not thinking about blackface in the context of the colonialist history. Maybe there were challenging our traditional notions of "race" and "racism". But, people have to be more careful and considerate of the current state of race politics in the United States and in other countries. The United States is not the only country with this problem. Trust me.
Everyone has them. I am going to share mine. :D
1. Clingy, co-dependent people.
2. Ignorant, disrespectful people.
3. Hypocrites.
4. People who don't contribute anything in group projects.
5. Bad, unoriginal Hollywood movies.
What are your pet peeves? Write in comments.
I named my Blogger username after this new emerging pop diva. Lady Gaga. She has taken the world by storm and here are the reasons why I admire her:
2. She is now a gay activist. Now, I do not want to start a whole "Holy Bible, gay marriage" blog post because I understand that many people do not share my opinions on gay marriage and I do not want to create a partisan, one-dimensional online platform. But, I would say that is that I admire someone who values human rights for every person on this earth and values that people should fight for those rights regardless of race (I detest that word but that is another story), sexual orientation, religion, political affiliation, and gender. If all people were treated with dignity and respect, this world would be in a much better place in the long run. Watch Lady Gaga speak in front thousands of gay activists at Sunday's National Equality March in Washington D.C. I do not think she did this for the publicity. She participated in the NYC gay community years before she went mainstream.
3. I love her music. It's pop music at its prime. But some of her songs especially her smash hit, Papparazzi discusses the recuperations of fame and fortune in a time when people value it more than their own lives. It's pop music with actual meaning to it. Her music gets you in the mood for dancing around your room without the care of the world, but her music comes straight from her heart. Issues of bisexuality, love, and fame came up in her debut album, The Fame.
4. She is not afraid to be herself. Critics say she overdoes it with her fashion picks on the red carpet (did you see her multiple outfits at this year's VMAs?!?!) , but is that relevant? Her role models are Andy Warhol, Prince, and Micheal Jackson, so she's in good company. Although, I like her feistiness and her power to resist the traditional social modes of femininity, she will inevitably become another social label. People will try to define her persona without knowing the real her and it is quite unfortunate. She does not care about the critics and that is why I like that about her.I think she will overcome that hurtle, you know. Let the critics say whatever they have to say about her and she will just ignore them. Hate and envy comes with the territory with being an entertainer in this industry. But I think bad criticism should not deny someone from pursuing his/her dreams. You only have one life to live, you know.
I followed the most recognizable Hollywood couple ever during their 10-day world tour. I was chased by hungry looking white tigers in Thailand. I rode tall Asian elephants across the Himalayas Mountains in 110 degree weather. All for an one-hour interview. Do you think it is worth it? I do! I'm a part-time freelance writer and this is my big break! I asked the very tough questions !! Oh what joy! ^.^ You can catch my whole interview in next Friday's Entertainment Weekly issue. Of course, people are going to find this on the Internet. So for the people out there, copy and paste this to everyone!
Lady Mel: Thank you for this wonderful opportunity. How are you two today?
Angelina: I am doing quite good today (looks at Brad slyly) I've managed to get the kids to sleep. We have been up all night. Yesterday was a very busy day.
Brad: Yeah, it took us like five hours to get them to sleep. They are hyperactive, inquisitive little creatures that need attention almost every second of the day. It's quite astounding.
Lady Mel: I saw Shiloh's tomboyish attire in a recent photo. Will she become a tomboy when she goes up?
Angelina: I don't know. Like who cares? If she wants to wear pink little dresses for the rest of her life, so be it. If she wants to wear sweats and a T-shirt and call it a day, I don't care. It's her decision. I let her be a fashion lunatic.
LadyMel: Brad, you have millions of fans across the world. You get paid millions to do Japanese commercials. Do you think of yourself as a pretty boy or a serious "Hollywood" actor?
Brad: (puzzled). I consider myself a serious actor. When I make movies, I put my heart and soul into each role. I may not get recognized for such roles, but it is the humility and determination that counts.
LadyMel: Then, why do you suck in almost everyone of your movies? The only ones that I like you in are Legends of the Fall, Tarantino's Inglorious Bastards and Mr. and Mrs. Smith. I seriously don't know why you are so famous.
Brad: (in a strong voice) Correction. I think that is your opinion. All my fans love my movies. Where have you been in the past 20 years?
LadyMel: Watching good movies. Maybe you are famous because of your highly-publicized string of Hollywood romances with Gwendolyn Paltrow, Jennifer Aniston, and now Angelina Jolie. (Brad chuckles). Speaking of which, how's Jennifer these days? I heard you guys are still friends even after your messy divorce.
Brad: (Angelina stares at Brad quite rudely) Jennifer is still one of my good friends. She is out there making movies, you know doing what she loves best. I support her 100%.
LadyMel: Uhm, but her movies suck big time.
Brad: But, it is always a matter of opinion. She has done a great service in Hollywood. That is why I appreciate her hard work in this industry.We have a special, congenial bond between one another and I would never abadoned her just because we are no longer married.......
Angelina: (Interrupts) But now, he has built a family with me and I could not never be more happier. (Changes subject) What is that around your neck, LadyMel?
LadyMel: Oh, do you like it? It's a gold necklace. (Opens necklace) My younger sister gave it to me about six months ago. Inside is a picture of my youngest niece Prue. (Angelina and Brad bend over to look at picture. Angelina smirks. I grabbed necklace). Oh, No, No, No! Don't even think about Missy!
Angelina: Think about what? I think she's beautiful. (Wide smile). Don't you think Brad?
Brad: Yup, she kinda looked like Vivenne when she was around six months old.
Angelina: How much you want for her? How can I get in contact with your sister?
LadyMel: (angrily) She is not for sale! She is a human being for Christ's sake, not one of your Hollywood trends! (calms down) I think we need a break here. May I use your bathroom?
Angelina: (Puzzled and confused look on face). I'm deeply sorry. I did not know what came over me.
Brad: Absolutely. I think we all need a five minute break. The bathroom is the second door to your right.
LadyMel: Thank.. you.. (runs to bathroom quite quickly to the hallway)
Brad: See what you have done, Angie. No more kids! We already have six. No wonder the tabloids think we are crazy. I should have chained you to the bed post.....
By age 8, I was playing Super Mario Brothers 3 and Mortal Kombat during my spare time. Even my mother played alongside me. Isn't that awesome? Yeah, those were the times. My favorite video game of all time hands down is Dynasty Warriors 3 by Konami. It has an great storyline and I love kicking massive butt in it. The computer graphics are pretty good, but at long as I can kill armies of soldiers and military officials (^.^), I am fine.
Now, I have stopped playing to do more productive things during my leisure time. Once in a while, I might pop out of nowhere to reconnect with friends and former guild members I have met since joining the WOW phenomenon two years ago. But more importantly, I have far better things to do with my life like pursuing my career and leaving the "nest" (God parents these days) on my own. :D
I voted my first time in the 2008 November presidential elections. I voted for you and I could never be happier. But, when I found out that you won the Nobel Peace Prize yesterday afternoon, I was a bit puzzled. You have done a tremendous job on changing America's global image overseas, but now is the time to act on your principles and promises from your presidential campaign. Be more aggressive on passing health care, gay rights, and Iraq/Afghanistan measures. No more gregarious talk. We need action.
I salute you for your diplomacy and maturity as a president. I have not seen that in years, but now is the time for change. You promised change. I want it. So, with your prestigious prize and your big speech to the Human Rights Campaign tonight in Washington, D.C, please promise the changes that this country needs to survive in this recession. For all Americans; Democrats, Republicans, Liberals, Independents, Communists, Libertarians, Socialists, non-believers, pessimists, optimists, rich, poor, alike. I believe in you.
Lady Mel
- Early April, I applied to Google's Associate Product Manager position. I did not the position. Hundreds, maybe thousands of computer science majors applied to the job and I do not have that major, I did not get that job. However, I think I have my calling. I went on the website yesterday and discovered Google's 2010 Start Program. Interviews start next month and rolling applications are accepted throughout the end of the year.
- I am very excited because the three positions Google is trying to fill: Associates, Associate Manager, and Analysts are positions that I am eligible to apply to because they do not necessarily require engineering or computer science backgrounds! Woot! I was so excited that I spent ALL day yesterday working on the cover letter and researching the company again. I am applying to the Associate Manager position this time and I am more confident and determined than ever! *Flexes muscles* I have completed third drafts already and I will have a professional look at the cover letter before I sent it out. Hopefully, it should be done before Tuesday of next week. To all the Google recruiters out there, bring it on!