I am going to do something differently today. I want to spice this blog things up a bit. Sometimes, criticizing celebrities can make a mad woman go over the top. I have been thinking to do this on and off this summer: social media/online marketing. I am fascinated with social media, from the most simple application to the digital interactions I have with friends and family. It is becoming an obsession of mine.

So as I was heading up to bed last night, I realized that I should expand my options a little. As many of you know, I want to pursue a career in online media. I just applied to this online media internship and I am very excited! (woot me!) Yet, I am very realistic and I will be applying to more jobs/internship opportunities in the future. But online media is such a broad, vague term. I can do so much more within this field. The possibilities are endless. So, I've decided to look into online/social media marketing as another alternative to see what it is all about.
I, like many bored Americans, love me some good action-packed, tear-jerking, dramalicious (see it's a new word) reality TV shows. Some shows have intrigued us because of the way people really act in front of the camera, while others makes viewers hate the human race all together. So, I have decided to write about the worst of the worst reality TV shows out there. Some should not have been created in the first place. Why wasted my time with stupid antics, boring monologues, and the same crap every year when I could produce my own reality TV series?! So if I were a TV executive, here are the shows I would cancel this fall 2009-2010 TV season:

I Love Money
Rock of Love: Charm School
LadyMel: Welcome ladies and gentlemen to the Late Night Show with your fabulous host, LadyMel! *audiences claps* Our first guest became the first African-American supermodel to solo Sports Illustrated in 1997. She's a talk show host and the executive producer/creater of the hit CW show "America's Next Top Model". Lets welcome, Ms. Tyra Banks!!
*walks onto stage, smiles at audience, shares a kiss on check with LadyMel, sits in chair right beside host.*
LadyMel: Welcome, welcome. Omg, who are you wearing?!
Tyra: You like? I'm wearing this nice Chanel dress. Girlfriend, I was at New York's Fashion Week and I met your idol, Lady Gaga. She is absolutely stunning.
Tyra: LadyMel, do you know that there are like millions of people watching me on your show right now? I have to present myself to the fullest.
LadyMel: Uhm, millions of people were watching you on CNN that night, I don't see any difference.
Tyra: Girlfriend, it's Larry King of all people. His presence alone can make black women take off their weaves. *audience roars with laughter* I have deep respect for the man and his career.
LadyMel: So, you will only show your natural hair to a seventy something year old guy? What other things do you show to old desperate hippy guys out there, Tyra? *audience laughs* How weird. What do you have there in your hand?
Tyra: My new Blackberry Smartphone! I love it. I tweet all my fans and friends whenever I have a chance to do so. I am so obsessed with it.
LadyMel: What do you think about the whole "Twitter" phenomenon?
Tyra: I think it is fabulous. OMG, I'm trying to ask as many questions as possible on my page. I have like 3000 followers and according to Twitter, I will have 5,000 more. People love me. People want to know what I am doing in the morning, what I do behind the scenes of my talk show and on ANTM. Social networking sites are becoming the new black now. LadyMel, you have to be a guest on my show.
LadyMel: Which one? I hope you won't torture me. *smirks*
Tyra: Haha. I think you will make a wonderful ANTM guest host. I know you love to criticize people so I think it will be a great experience. Now why would I want to torture you like that? I'm a diva. It comes with the territory. *snaps fingers, audience cheers*
LadyMel: Which furthers my point. *audience laughs*. I have seen your bitch-free moments on ANTM. It's quite entertaining actually. Let's roll some footage please.
Tyra: *two minutes later, points at camera* Girlfriend, I had to teach those girls not to take over my show. They came with attitude problems prior to the show and I had to straighten them out. If anyone wants to be an aspiring model, you can have a "positive" attitude and strong confidence, but I don't want to see the other side of that in front of my judges and fans. It makes me look bad. It makes them look bad. I always root for my girls.
LadyMel: Which brings me to my next question. Why are your season winners or even runner-ups for that matter not as famous and ubiquitous within the fashion world like Kate Moss or even yourself at the prime of your modeling career in the 1990s?
Tyra: I have no idea. *Nervous as hell* Uhm well, Eva Pigford who was the third season winner on the show is now a Covergirl spokeswoman and she was just recently on the Young and the Restless. But I generally think that supermodels are not as popular as they used to be ten or even twenty years ago. Now Hollywood actresses are taking on that role.
LadyMel: We are running out of time, are you promoting anything? Anything new?
Tyra: Well, ATNM is going to premiere its 14th season *audience cheers* Wednesday, September 30th at 8:00pm EST on the CW. Tweet me on Twitter everyone! My screename is TyraDivalicious. And I will be on America's Got Talented in the next three weeks. I will be a guest-host.
LadyMel: Thanks Tyra for coming on the show. Next, we have Gerard Butler! *audience claps, show goes off air*
Disclaimer: I am making fun of Tyra Banks. :D
My goals this week are to:
1. Complete this internship application. I'm so excited!
2. Continue to update this blog with interesting topics.
3. Watch at least the 2nd season of the Buffy Vampire Slayer TV series. So far so good. It's been like 7-10 years since I remembered watching it on UPN and CW(formerly WB). Sarah Michelle Gellar is dynamite! I might post something about the show later in the future!
4. Download new music on my computer.
5. Connect with old high school and college friends.
Fashion is all around us. I like pictures. Vibrant ones. Vibrant ones that express my personality and temperament. You guys should see my picture collection that I have on my USB drives. It's stunningly awesome. This year, I was interested in this season's big fashion shows of New York and London. So I've decided to show some of the best clothes out there for this spring. I also threw in some random pics that I thought would complement this post. This is my fashion runway show. Enjoy!
What do you guys think? Good constructive criticism ^.^
President Obama and the First Lady are hosting this year's G20 Summit in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania this week. I, like millions of people, are anxiously waiting for the United States and the other industrialized nations to step it up new and effective initiatives to combat global climate change, the war on terrorism, the economic recession, and human rights. People are expressing their rights of freedom and are continuing to protest in "tea parties" and demonstrations in Washington D.C, Pittsburgh, and New York. Change will come. But it will only come when people realize that diplomacy, civil obedience, and compromise are the answer. I have never been so frustrated in my entire life. So I have made a guildline for Congress to see:
- Get health care reform done. Democrats and Republicans argue like screaming banshees on the Congress floors. If we cant revise our health care system out of all things, then we cant change our other institutions. Its all intertwine.
- Obama is black. Deal with it.
- Make sure you keep EVERY American in mind when creating new bills. Don't ask for what your country can do for you, ask what you do for your country and not just for the lobbyists and your party's constituents. No wonder why this country is fucked up.
- Imagine that you are poor with no money. Don't let your priveledged health care benefits and cultural elitism blind you from the real problems that matter.
- You have no power, the American people do.
However, why do you need to expose these kids to your millions of TLC viewers every week? We all know its for the ratings and the extra little pecks for yourself and your children. I dont want to see you on the View ever again because I hate the show and secondly, we do not want to know what goes on in your overrated life. Let your children grow up without the camera. You don't need any more exposure. I bet in the next two years, you will be a nobody. And yes, I won't watch your rumored to be talk show. You are not using our tax-paying dollars wisely. At least, you are not as crazy as Octomom but you don't need any more exposure and publicity. And I dont like your hair. You are not Victoria Beckham.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Here are the guys that either melt my heart and/or intrigues me in some indescribable way:
1. Gerard Butler, the one and only. Need I say more? God damn he's sooo fine and ripe for the picking. Now, I sound like a molester.
2. Hugh Jackman, if you weren't married with a wife and two children, I would totally shag you in your Wolverine costume of course. hehe ^.^
You will begin to see that I like non-American men for some reason. Go figures, moving on.
3. Robert Downey. Jr, charming, fiery yet witty at the same time. Come on, did you guys see "Iron Man"? Yummy. I bet he makes a dashing Sherlock Holmes too. But he is damn married ><.
4. Ryan Reynolds,
Ryan, Ryan, Ryan! Why do you are what are you? *hearts* Funny and sexy in one body. I cant take it anymore!
Honorable Mention: Craig Ferguson
He's witty, charming in a cheeky way. Did I say he is flirty too? *sighs* I wish I were a guest on his late night show. :)
I think that is about it for me, NO WANNABE SKINNY HOLLYWOOD ACTORS allowed! I'm talking to you Shiloh LaBuff and Zac Efron.
I, like millions of Americans nationwide, are looking for employment. As of Wednesday morning last week, I have applied to three internship, two paid, one underpaid, and I am looking into 1 to 2 more right now.
I am thinking of taking a course or two in web development/ online media at a local college just to expand my technical skills and increase my chances of getting a good job or internship.
I am waiting for the third season of "True Blood" like a crazy woman on meds. :O
Who watched the Obama interviews on Dave Letterman tonight? I hope to watch it on Youtube or Huffington Post and post something about it soon.
See you tomorrow :)
Why I have a love/hate relationship with today's awards shows:
1. I love and in awe of the nominees'/winners' fashion choices whether it's Oscar de La Renta or a swan.
2. I hate the lack of creativity when it comes to the hosts. Nothing sounds so boring when a host cannot get my underlying attention for two hours.
3. I hate that celebrities sound better on their albums than when they perform live in front of millions of their peers.
4. I love, love the fashion.
5. I love the little unforgivable moments that become celebrity gossip gold the next day.
What do you think? Post below! :D
Today, I feel quite happy, but what makes us happy? What is our pursuit of happiness? Is it our job, hobbies, friends, sex, your commitment to the world?
Why do people love to sugarcoat things?
I am back from a well-deserved vacation playing WOW (its all over for now) and job hunting online (wait I still am ><). God, four months has passed. However, I will make the commitment to writing a blog or two everyday from now on since I'm at home and unemployed at the moment. Here are the crazy things that have been bothering me in the past few weeks.